Extended Description

Off Road Champions 2001 is an annual book by Italian photographer Dario Agrati. This hardcover book has over 240 color pages with some text in Italiain an English. It covers the Worldchampionship Enduro (Knight, Salminen, Tiainen, Eriksson, Sala, Merriman and many more), French ISDE with photos of US riders (R.Pearson, D. Pearson, Hoess, B.Garrahan, Schmelzle, Zimmerman, Wesner, P.Garrahan, Beal, Hale), Australain riders (Watts, D.Smith, Willicroft, Grabham D, Merriman) Rally Dakar (Campbell, Cox, Sala, Lewis, Sala, Meoni, Roma), World Championship Motocross (Jobb, Ramon, Belometti, Puzar, Chiodi, Seguy, Reed, Crockard, Beier, Pichon, Coppins, Federici, Mc Farlane, Bervoets,Lindhe, Vico, Demaria, Smets, Everts and many more), Supercross (McGrath, Carmichael, Larocco), GNCC (Smith, Watts, Edmondson, Kiedrowski, Andrews), Worldchampionship Trials (Raga, Lampin, Fujinami, Colomer, Kuroyama, Jarvis and many more), French Supermotard (Chambon, van den Bosch, Rubio, Seel, Kunzel and many more), French Enduro Championship, German Enduro Championship, Trefle Lozerien, Gilles Lalay Classic and Copa S Deportes.
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